Sharma Blogs
433 words
2 minutes
blogs "first-commit"


In this post, I share a bit about myself, my interests, and a recent conversation that inspired me to start a new journey. Here’s a quick overview:

  • About Me: A brief introduction to who I am, my background, and my interests outside of engineering.
  • The Conversation That Sparked This Journey: A detailed recount of a conversation with a friend that made me realize the benefits of teaching and sharing knowledge.
  • Why This Matters: The reasons why starting a teaching series is beneficial and how it aligns with my personal goals.
  • What’s Next?: My plans moving forward and what you can expect from my upcoming blog posts.

About Me#

I am a Fullstack Software Developer who recently graduated in 2023 from IIT Roorkee. Developing software is my passion, and I thrive on creating and solving problems like nothing else.

Outside of engineering, my interests are somewhat limited but diverse:

I’m a BallerI’m a GamerI’m Fairly Into Music

But above all, I love challenges and finding solutions for them. I spend most of my day either solving problems or thinking about their solutions. In essence, I’m always on the lookout for challenges, ways to improve myself, something fun, and some healthy ways to stay engaged.

The Conversation That Sparked This Journey#

Recently, a conversation with a friend triggered an idea that could lead to significant personal growth. She said something that resonated with me deeply:

“I feel like starting a teaching series on YouTube or somewhere for some of the software engineering-related topics.”

Curious and supportive, I asked:

“That’s nice… but why all of a sudden?”

Her response was enlightening and inspiring:

"There are a few reasons I'm thinking of doing this:
1 -> When I have to explain a topic to someone, I will need an in-depth knowledge of that concept.
2 -> This will incorporate discipline into my life if I make this a part of my weekly/bi-weekly routine."

Why This Matters#

This conversation made me realize the immense benefits of sharing knowledge and teaching others:

  1. Challenging: Explaining complex topics requires a deep understanding.
  2. Growth-Oriented: It’s a great way to solidify one’s knowledge and learn new things.
  3. Routine and Discipline: Incorporating this into a regular schedule can foster a healthy and productive routine.

What’s Next?#

Inspired by this, I’ve decided to embark on a similar journey. This initiative will be a way for me to challenge myself, grow, and maintain a productive routine.

Stay tuned for next week’s blog, where I’ll dive into the exciting world of software engineering topics. Let’s embark on this journey of learning and growth together!

Remember to check back next week for an amazing blog post!